The newly extended and modernised
Victory Hall
What’s on?
Now that our magnificent £650,000 modernisation project is nearing completion we are delighted to be able to announce that theVictory Hall will be fully open for business from the beginning of June with many exciting new ventures being planned in the weeks to come. Visiting our web page is the best way of keeping up-to-date. Meanwhile the Victory Hall is an ideal venue for dances, larger functions, weddings, etc.

If you want to know what’s on in Broughton and at the Victory Hall click here
Hire fees
- Supper Room £2.75 per hour
- Green Room (Crafts) £2.75 per hour
- Main Hall £4.50 per hour
- Use of Kitchens £0.50 per hour
- Stage facilities Fees still to be determined
Hire fees were reviewed at the AGM on 21st March. Changes will come into effect in September. Meanwhile, please take a minute or two to read the Conditions of Hire on the notice board in the foyer (also available from the bookings manager tel. (01229) 716491).
Phone (01229) 716491. The telephone booking service will continue for the foreseeable future but we hope to be able to introduce a new on-line booking facility later this year.
The Accommodation
The Victory Hall was designated a National Flagship Hall (one of only twelve in the whole of England) by the National Lottery Millennium Commission under its 21st Century Halls for England Scheme. In the course of refurbishment and development the whole of the front the building has been redesigned with a spacious new foyer, new staircase and lift. The supper room has a tea kitchen alongside and comfortable seating for 64, while the main hall, seating 240, has been completely renovated and now has a modern kitchen with bar facility. Outside catering for large events, weddings, dances etc. is easily arranged.
The rear of the hall has recently been rebuilt to accommodate a new and more spacious stage, due shortly to be provided with state of the art lighting. Below the stage is a new multi-purpose room (The Green Room) equipped for craft activities. This room with its partition doubles as dressing rooms when required. New toilets and showers to the highest disabled standards have been provided as well as an extra large lift serving all three levels: stage, hall and dressing rooms. This new stage facility is currently nearing completion and the Green Room will shortly be available for hire.

Disabled provision
We have consulted widely and made the Victory Hall fully accessible and welcoming to all, especially the physically challenged. The lifts provide access to all parts of the building and the stage has ample room for wheelchairs to circulate – even the lighting bars will be accessible to wheel-chair users thanks to a system of winch operation, and motorised colour change wheels will ensure that front of house lanterns can be controlled from our state of the art new lighting box at the back of the hall.
History and Background
Built in 1929 for the people of Broughton in Furness by Sir Robert Rankin, Lord of the Manor of Broughton Tower, the Victory Hall serves as a focal point for a widespread rural community. In its heyday the Victory Hall embodied all that was best and forward looking and set a standard for other village halls to emulate. By the mid 1990s seven decades of sterling service had taken their toll and it was time to give the building a face-lift and a new lease of life.
The Millennium
Millennium Project was launched in 1996 with money raised from a wide range of sources. The reconstruction, extension and refurbishment began in May 1999 and is due to be completed in early June
Principal Funders, to whom we extend our grateful thanks:
- The National Lottery Charities Board
- The Twenty First Century Halls for England Fund (National Lottery Millennium Commission)
- The North West Development Agency
- The Countryside Agency
- Cumbria County Council Neighbourhood Services
- South Lakeland District Council
- Duddon Parish Council